Lauran Doak

Researching how children with learning disabilities who have minimal speech communicate and connect with others at home, school and other everyday settings.


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Doak, L. (2024) 'Exploring the value of family shared reading for young people who have Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD)'. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.

Doak, L. (2023) 'Rethinking the contributions of young people with learning disabilities to iPad storymaking: a new model of distributed authorship'. Literacy.

Doak, L. (2021)  'To start talking phonics is crazy': how parents understand 'literacy' in the lives of children with learning disabilities. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. 

Doak, L. (2021). Rethinking family (dis)engagement with Augmentative & Alternative Communication. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21(3), 198-210.

Doak, L. (2020). Realising the 'right to play' in the special school playground. International Journal of Play, 9(4), 414-438.

Doak, L. (2019). But I’d rather have raisins! Exploring a hybridized approach to multimodal interaction in the case of a minimally verbal child with autism. Qualitative Research, 19(1), 30-54.

Doak, J. & Doak, L. (2017). Non-verbal victims in the adversarial criminal process: communication, competency, and credibility. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 68(4), 451-468.

Book Chapters
Doak, L. (2023). Do all children have the right to express views? Listening to ‘differently-voiced’ communicators. In Beckett, A. E., & Callus, A. M. (Eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Children's Rights and Disability. Taylor & Francis.

Book Reviews
Doak, L. (2015). Disability, augmentative communication and the American Dream: a Qualitative Enquiry. Disability & Society, 30(6), 1-3.

Research Reports
Paechter, C., Doak, L., Dymoke, S., Kent, J., Marriott, M., Wood, C., Chantrey Wood, K., Burke, P., McDonald, A., Pettigrew, C. and Taylor, M. (2020). Commons Education Select Committee: The impact of COVID-19 on education and children’s services. Commons Education Select Committee.

Doak, L. (2023) Understanding the challenges of enacting national education policy for special school Headteachers in England. University of Nottingham School of Education

Practitioner-facing publications
Doak, L. (2023) Remembering Special Schools in Education Policy: 'Addendums' and 'Bookends'?  Schools Week, 6 Dec.

Doak, L. (2023) Storymaking with Pictello on iPad. SEN Magazine, May/June 2023.

Doak, L. (2023)  Forgotten or misrepresented: Special Schools deserve better policy.  Schools Week, 26 May.

Doak, L. (2022) 'Using the Pictello App with young people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD)'. PMLD Link Magazine.

Doak, L. (2021) 'Repeated omission of special schools points to an ableist department'. Schools Week, 9 January.


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